


加勒特县委员会认识到,该县未来的经济福祉取决于受过教育的人, 准备在竞争日益激烈的就业市场中成功竞争的熟练劳动力, 全球经济. The scholarship program provides current Garrett County high school graduates equal access to post-secondary education and an equal opportunity for advancement.

The 加勒特县奖学金计划 (GCSP) is a scholarship that provides eligible Garrett County high school graduates a student aid package that covers the cost of tuition and combined fees at 澳门足球博彩官方网址. GCSP为学生在加勒特学院选择的课程提供必要的发展研究和多达64个学分的学习.

The program began in 2007 as the Garrett County Commissioners' Scholarship Program and was changed in 2008 to the 加勒特县奖学金计划. 该计划于2011年扩大到包括非学分证书课程和双招生. 2019年,该计划再次修订,将平均绩点(GPA)提高到2分.5 .每学期有一个申诉程序.



  1. 个人必须申请加勒特学院, 符合学院的入学要求, 他被录取了.
  2. 个人必须在截止日期前完成并提交以下项目: 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA), 澳门足球博彩官方网址入学申请, GCSP应用程序.
  3. 申请人必须符合下列其中一项条件:
    1. A member of the current graduating class of Northern Garrett High School or Southern Garrett High School as designated by the Garrett County Board of Education (GCBOE). “Current” means the student graduated in the spring immediately prior to the beginning of the fall classes at 澳门足球博彩官方网址; OR
    2. A student who is certified by the GCBOE as homeschooled and whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually by the Board of Education in order to validate equivalency to the high school graduating class of the current year; OR
    3. 由位于加勒特县的国家批准的非公立学校认证的学生, 谁是本学年的毕业生, whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually by the GCBOE in order to validate equivalency of a high school graduate of the current year; OR
    4. A person who was a recipient of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) during the Board of Education's immediately previous academic year.
    5. 任何不符合上述3(a) - 3(d)的个人都需要提交书面上诉,重新考虑奖学金计划.
  4. 个人必须有合法证件 1 在毕业或获得普通教育证书之前,在加勒特县居住满两年. 居住身份的决定将由加勒特学院自行决定. 住在加勒特县但在另一个县上学的学生没有资格获得奖学金.
  5. The individual must be enrolled full-time at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 (12 credits minimum) during the Fall and Spring semesters and may at his/her election also enroll for any number of courses during the Summer or Winter sessions with no minimum credit requirement.
  6. 个人必须在经批准的加勒特学院学分学位或证书课程注册.


  1. 为了保持资格,所有获得奖学金的学生必须保持至少2学分.每学期平均成绩达到5分,包括发展性课程的同等成绩.
  2. 未能达到上述学术标准的学生将没有资格获得奖学金. 如果学生获得2分,则可以恢复资格.通过自费课程获得5个学期的GPA. 学生可以通过寻求例外并遵循以下上诉部分中概述的流程来上诉他们的资金损失.
  3. Students have three years of GCSP eligibility and must graduate or transfer within those three years from the date of original attendance at 澳门足球博彩官方网址. 然而,学生不需要保持连续注册才有资格.
  4. 学生可以参加加勒特学院和其他高等教育机构批准的学习项目. 然而,该计划只涵盖在加勒特学院接受教育的费用.
  5. 该计划将涵盖学费和所需发展课程的综合费用, 除了高中双招生期间的发展课程.
  6. 该计划只支付必要的发展课程和最多64个学分的额外学习. 但是,在任何情况下,该计划都不会支付任何重复课程的费用. 学生必须自费或使用其他经济援助来学习这些课程.
  7. Students who reduce their course loads to part-time status lose their GCSP eligibility thereafter except under extraordinary circumstances. 关于是否给予例外的决定将在下文上诉一节中讨论.
  8. 学生需要申请各种形式的经济援助. 助学金和奖学金, 学生可以从任何来源获得哪些信息, 适用于加勒特学院的学费和综合费用. 不包括在此计算中的助学金和奖学金包括:任何来自外部的助学金或奖学金, 加勒特学院基金会, 以及由马里兰州代表或参议员颁发的任何奖项. 联邦佩尔助学金,以及任何形式的霍华德P. 罗林斯教育卓越奖或马里兰社区大学承诺奖, 加勒特县奖学金项目前扣除的. 加勒特县奖学金计划确实是最后一美元的奖励.

GCSP was expanded to include non-credit coursework through CEWD; students may choose from fourteen workforce development programs leading to licensure and/or certification. 此奖学金项目完全由ced管理.

Garrett County high school students are eligible to participate in the dual enrollment program at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and receive funding through the GCSP. 必须符合以下条件:

  1. 学生必须:
    1. A currently enrolled Garrett County public high school student who has met all GCBOE dual enrollment guidelines as outlined by the Northern and Southern Garrett High School Guidance offices; OR
    2. Certified by the GCBOE as homeschooled and whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually in order to validate equivalency to that of a high school student; OR
    3. 由国家批准的非公立学校(位于加勒特县并在其运营)认证, 马里兰州)作为本学年的有文件证明的毕业生, whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually by the GCBOE in order to validate equivalency of that of a high school student.
  2. 学生必须是居住在马里兰州加勒特县的合法美国公民.
  3. 学生必须完成所有大学水平的课程. GCSP不会为双录取学生支付任何补习课程.
  4. Dual enrollment is determined by the 招生 office at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in cooperation with Garrett County Board of Education high school guidance officials.
  5. The GCSP-DE scholarship is calculated at fifty percent (50%) of the in-county tuition rate and one hundred percent (100%) of the combined fees for the approved credit hours the student is enrolled. 注册费、所有课程费用和课本费用由学生自行承担.
  6. High School DE students are not required to meet Satisfactory Academic 政策 (SAP); however, 继续参加DE课程的资格由高中直接决定。.
  7. Students who matriculate into 澳门足球博彩官方网址 following dual enrollment will be held to all of the standards mentioned above for all students. 这应该包括一个2.双注册课程的总平均绩点为5分,继续保持2分.5学期GPA. 另外, 任何双班修读及其后重修的课程,均不符合普惠计划的资助资格.
  8. 项目视资金情况而定.

未能达到最低GPA要求的学生因此没有资格获得GCSP奖学金, 将通过邮寄(USPS)和电子邮件与您联系. 将提供解释上诉程序的资料.

A student who fails to meet the GPA requirement may submit a written appeal to the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Director of 金融援助 for a probationary, 警告学期提高他/她的GPA.

The decision to grant an exception or a special condition shall be at the sole discretion of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Director of 金融援助, 或其指定人员.

Both 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and the Garrett County Board of Commissioners make no warranty either implied or explicit that the 加勒特县奖学金计划 will be fully funded in any semester of study. The amount of the awards each semester is dependent upon the amount of funds allocated to the program and the number of students that qualify. 例如, students might receive the full amount of funding for which they are eligible in the fall semester of a year but receive only 75% in the spring semester.

澳门足球博彩官方网址 will announce prior to the start of each semester the percent of funding that the program will provide so that students can decide whether they wish to enroll. 与教育委员会合作, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 shall act as the regulatory body regarding the proper implementation of the terms and conditions of the 加勒特县奖学金计划 as stated herein. 学院的决定不得上诉.

加勒特学院没有种族歧视, 性, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 民族起源, 或者不利条件.